Home | Krishna Public School Tendua, Hirapur, Raipur


For Registration

  • Details of students duly filled & counter signed by the class teacher in diary must be given for registration.
  • 2 Passport size photographs also must be submitted at the time of registration.

For Clearence

  • All “Library dues” should be returned on or before 30th of Dec. to avoid any complication.
  • After 10th January books will not be issued .if needed it can be provide by money deposition. 10th January onwards Rs.2/- per day will be charged against every Library issues.
  • Rs. 5/- book per day will be fined if the books are kept a long time at the time of exam

Issue Section

  • About library Syllabus books:
    Syllabus books are issued only for 7 days .however books for competitive test can be given for 10 days.
    Defaulters will not be issued books for a few days according to the time period they have delayed.
    Whenever any holiday or vacation starts in between the due date, students have the right to keep books with them but should return it within 2 days of reopening.
    Science students will get one syllabus book only at a time and 3 to 4 educational magazines.
    Commerce students will get 2 books at a time. Biology students can get one book related to bio subject, another one of different subject and 3 to 4 educational magazines.
  • Question paper of previous exam are available in every week in library .students can use them as reference but it is not permitted to take them at home.
  • About educational Magazine:
    Every time one magazine for each subject can be used along with syllabus book.
  • Story books of novels:
    Novels & story books are issued to students of class XII only for 7 days .However it can be reissued for another issue period. Class IX to class XI students can read this books only in reading section of library but they cannot take these books at home.
  • About Loss Books:
    In case the book is lost immediately the matter should be reported to the librarian and their instruction should be followed to cover the loss.
  • About dead stock:
    Books of dead stock are issued to students as book bank. For this students can select maximum 5 books and get them issued. These books are issued for the whole session at the time of clearance these books must be returned .in case these books are lost, 1/4th of the cost of the book will be recover.
  • will be followed by no more library service

Reference Section

  • Students and staff members are requested to get the books noted in the register even if they need for a short period .more than one book can be reissued at a time but of same subject and not a different subjects .Before leaving reading room return the book and be sure that librarian has signed for receiving it back.

About Reading Room

  • Students must maintain silence and discipline.
  • Before leaving room issued material should be returned .magazine should be place back on rack. Chair should arranged without making noise
  • Any student found to be misusing reading room for escaping subject period will hate to face severe punishment.